Voice Production is the art of vocal performance, in articulation, pronunciation, phonetic expression, projection and annunciation. The skills you will develop can be easily adapted to radio announcing, public speaking, presenting / journalism for TV, accents & voice over work. There are two people in the wold those who fear public speaking and those who LOVE to communicate. Learn the skills to enable your message to reach your audience with gusto.
Phonetics, Articulation and Pronunciation
Before a dictionary tells yu the very meaning of a word it immeditaly tells you how to pronounce the word. It uses the language of phonetics.
This is the very key to articulation and pronunciations which will develop any persons ability to work in accents, over come studders or speech impediments and communicate with vigour, accuracy and confidence.
Performance, Media, and Public Speaking
At the Cooee School we will teach you the keys to presenting the 'word' not just reading it. Learn how to speak script with pathos, emotion and clarity for any performance.
Learn how to maximise your vocal quality, tone and expression for radio, tv presentation, public speaking or character acting.
Vocal Health
Learn how to protect your voice from long days of presenting or speaking. If your voice is your career it is imperative you protect it. Voice Production classes at Cooee School advocate and teach students how to maintian their vocal capacity and how to prepare for ongoing vocal work.